Laura from Miguel street (a street near the Port of Spain) set a record in the Guinness Book of Records 2 years ago. She was the only one in the world who has 8 kids. Nothing strange about that but, those kids are from 7 different men!
It’s time to get to know that remarkable story better.
We did some research in Miguel street, talked to some people
and went to Laura if she wanted to talk to us about this great news.
And yes, she gave us some more information about the background of the 8 kids,
7 different men and how she experienced it.
Laura was very happy about this. Not everyone has the ability to get such a record
in the Guinness book of records! After 3 or 4 times getting a baby,
you get to used to it, according to Laura. Her first 6 kids are from 6 different
men, the last 2 are from the same man, called Nathaniel. She said their relationship
was pretty serious and Nathaniel came to live with her. He was
pretty quick a member of the Miguel street ‘gang’. Nathaniel made rude remarks
to women who just passed by and he told the guys he was used to beat Laura.
But the opposite was true. Laura admits she shouts and curses at her kids, but
she really loves them. She also blames God for the fact of having so many kids.
There was no job for Laura, but she still had to feed all those hungry mouths.
She did this by asking her friends for some help.
According to a boy from Miguel Street, her belly was rising and rising,
then it was flat again. After a few months it started to rise again!
“Laura was the most vivacious person in the street”, the boy said.
Many Miguel street people had the opinion that Nathaniel was dirtier than them,
because he came from the east end of Port of Spain. When the guys from Miguel street
discovered that Nathaniel was actually trying to be the ‘cool guy’ from Miguel street
by saying he was used to beat Laura, they wanted him to leave as soon as possible.
After their first child (Laura’s 7th child) , Laura wanted Nathaniel to leave.
She said she’d call the police, that made him finally leave Miguel street.
The only thing what was left was another child in her belly from Nathaniel.
The eldest daughter of Laura, Lorna, drowned in a swimming pool
only one week ago. This was very sad for Laura and the other 7 kids.
We wish Laura and her kids the best of all.
Now Laura has a place in the Guinness book of records, people probably want to be better than her. So who knows? Maybe there’s a women with 10 kids from 10 different men!
written by Tukusi for Girls Only Magazine Trinidad and Tobago.™
I choose to write a Magazine Article because I wanted to inform others about this happening. The Magazine is called “Girls Only Magazine”, just because I couldn’t come up with something better and I think girls are more interested in such a story than men are.
My first idea was to write a newspaper article but that was a little bit too hard and I couldn’t find the right formal sentences, instead I was writing more informal sentences. I also started with an introduction which is written in a way like you’re telling it to a friend. Then I thought about ‘doing research’, so I could quote some things from the book.
To make it look a bit professional, I wrote her answers in the article, but not like an interview. It still had to be an article. It also gave a better story, than just telling everything from the authors view. Now it’s clear, the 3rd paragraph is about Laura and how she has been thinking about this all. And the 4th paragraph, I include the “I-person” from the book in it. Because I still don’t know what his name is. The reason I wrote that the record was already set 2 years ago is because of the 5th paragraph.
In the book, later in the chapter, Lorna dies. I thought this would be nice for my article so I had to change the time for a bit. I could not say that Laura set the record only 1 week ago, so that would mean her 8th child is one week old now. If I did so, it would not really fit into the story according to the book.
The last paragraph is more like an ending in a magazine I think. Bit of asking a opinion (“who knows?!”) of the one who reads this article, but also show that it’s the end of the article.
The last thing to discuss is the writer. I chose a name which means hummingbird in the Trinidad and Tobago language. The Girls only magazine is a magazine from Trinidad and Tobago. Because the story has happened in the country itself, in one of the streets near the port of Spain. The language use is not like the people of Miguel street, this is just because I think there are people in Trinidad and Tobago who do speak ‘normal ‘ English. The Miguel street gang might just speak a dialect.